Sunday, June 6, 2010


So far, we've taken Al to Lowe's, the Senior Awards Night, Senior Assembly, Walgreens and the Hair Salon. Despite a few whines and taking his time getting settled, he's been wonderful! He falls asleep and behaves himself, and is fine. He hasn't had an accident at an outing yet! Tonight we're taking him to Baccalaureate, so that will be the first time he's been in a church. Training wise, he's great a 'stay' and 'sit', but is still working on 'down' and 'switch'. He's loves to 'come' and I'm just introduced 'heel' to him today! This is so much fun! Until next time...


  1. Sounds like Al's doing good!

    Do you mind if Rudy mentions your blog on his blog?
    You may get some more followers/readers and comments!
    Rudy would love for all of his furry followers to meet his brother Al!

    Rudy's Raiser

  2. Just posted about your blog yesterday - you have lots more furry followers now :)
